Education Sanitization
The safety and well-being of our young people emerged as one of the great challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic. In no area was this more apparent than in our educational spaces—from daycare and pre-K to elementary and high schools to community colleges and universities. As schools set their sights on a full reopening in 2021–22, school boards and parent associations will be doubling-down on strategies to keep their children healthy and learning at full speed once again, while also being hyper-vigilant when it comes to their bottom line.
That is why there has never been a smarter time to make the switch from the conventional cleaners and disinfectants that your staff currently uses to H2O3’s water-based Stabilized Aqueous Ozone (SAO). The SAO system has been certified safe by the top regulatory bodies around the world and is lab-tested and government-regulated to be safe for use even in the most sensitive environments. SAO destroys viruses and bacteria—including SARS, MRSA, E. coli and Covid-19—on all topical surfaces, including classroom items you’d never dream of wiping down with chemical cleaners.
A Simple Change
An H2O3 system replaces 95 to 100% of your current cleaning chemicals by producing SAO on-site, on-demand…using nothing more than tap water and electricity. It installs easily and requires no special training. Teachers can keep an everyday spray bottle in their classrooms and janitorial crews can simply sideline whatever they are using right now. After application, SAO reverts back to water and oxygen—with zero topical residue or airborne toxicity that can trigger allergic reactions in kids.
Get on the right side of science.
An H2O3 Stabilized Aqueous Ozone system in your school…• Is completely safe for young children• Recognized by the FDA and NSF—can be applied in all eating areas• Does not require gloves, masks or other PPE• Is sustainable, and therefore unaffected by supply chain issues• Opens up storage space• Is as gentle on the skin as water…because that’s all that it is!
A Powerful Solution
Rarely if ever does a new idea receive an enthusiastic thumbs-up from parents, educators and school-board members. Installing an H2O3 system is an exception to this rule: It improves the health and welfare of students and sends a message to employees that you have their best interests at heart, too. And by eliminating the cost of your current cleaning products, the quick return on investment makes a big splash on your school’s bottom line. Manufactured by Tersano, these systems are already in more than 30,000 locations around the world, including hotels, hospitals, health clubs and educational institutions at all levels—including Stanford, Duke, Penn State, Brigham Young, Michigan, Michigan State and Amherst.
Sustainability Students Can See
Many schools have strengthened their commitment to going green in the post-pandemic era. Unfortunately, these changes tend to fly under the radar, or are difficult to convey “in theory” to parents, teachers and students. An H2O3 system is something you’ll want to talk about…with your science educators leading the discussion!
The move to H203 shows your school community what sustainability looks like, and tells the world that you are safe, sound, clean and green…
…and on the right side of science.